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Presence & Paint

First Impulse Painting

… where listening for and following the creative impulse in the moment is more important than how it turns out.

Presence & Paint

Dare to meet your colorful creative within. Learn to trust your hunches. Allow them to guide you with color and brush to open your intuitive channel!


Let yourself 'color outside the lines'! By taking small creative risks in this critique-free zone, you'll build trust in your intuitive voice.


Join other inward travelers on this intuitive process painting journey of expressive freedom. â€‹


No experience needed! 


We are all creative, we are all intuitive. Come play with these aspects of you through First Impulse Painting. 

Every step of the way, you'll be supported to take creative risks, befriend the unknown and engage resistance in its many forms that will arise in service to your full spontaneous, creative expression.

"It's in the act of creating that we meet our true nature… each time anew."
-Susan Kramer-Pope
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